I hate it when assessors consider their style as the ultima ratio and everything else is a mistake in their eyes.
The rise of the idiot's apostrophe correlates with that of the AfD. No coincidence.
book banners going after Little Free Libraries in Utah
During administrations prior to DeSantis, during mandatory evacs, traffic flowing south for I75 would be blocked and all 8 lanes would only flow north. what an incompetent buffoon this man is!
@kel I’ve just spent the last few days prepping for this beat instead of canvassing.
Anyone disparaging Florida right now can fuck all the hell off. Plenty of us are working to rid this state and this nation of the stench of Maga fuckery, and that kind of negativity is NOT helpful.
#CosoCanucks #BCelection2024 #BCConservatives #politics
It's very scary that this absolute nutcase actually stands a good chance of being the next premier.
BC Conservative leader John Rustad assured anti-vaccine activists British Columbia would be open to joining other jurisdictions in legal proceedings inspired by the Nuremberg Trials that would be aimed at prosecuting those deemed responsible for COVID-19 public health measures and vaccines.
Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun win the Nobel Prize in medicine for the discovery of microRNA. https://apnews.com/article/nobel-medicine-dc84622d7a15317bc83e873d3f9a2dbf
@ToruOkada When we needed new dentists, because of staff shortages, they told actual dentists, if you want to work in England you can, but if you want to work in Scotland, you have to pay a £5000 fee. My new dentist told me this.
German, left Brexit island after more than a decade, now living in sunny Athens/Greece
#politics #privacy #healthcare #CoSoDailyArt