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My Twitter account is locked for this reply to someone iaskong why TFG shouldn't be allowed back in Twitter, in Enol's poll thread. :facepalm:

Welcome to all of the new users who have joined since the take over of Twitter.

One thing I think youโ€™ll quickly realize is CoSo isnโ€™t Twitter. We like it that way.

No drama. No bots. No trolls. No disinformation. No foreign interference.

Follower counts? No one cares.
Like and boost counts? Meaningless.

Simply engage in conversations that interest you. Post about things you enjoy. Throw in a related hashtag. Enjoy what makes us different.

Consider going Pro and/or becoming a patron.

@The_Ghost_Rat I'm not ruling out that he is seeing his Twitter debt go up and just doesn't know the difference. One thing he has made abundantly clear is he is NO where close to the bright bulb he sells himself as.

I have an unsettling feeling that the Republicans are going to make a mockery out of our democracy, when they take the house. But I also have a good feeling because theyโ€™re not smart enough to know that theyโ€™re setting themselves up for failure in 2024.

@The_Ghost_Rat When you fashion yourself into a door mat you shouldn't be shocked when people clean their shoes on you. It's still happening sans Trump, only the shoes have changed.

No plan to deal with inflation.

No plan to improve healthcare or education.

No plan to build our infrastructure.

No plan to fix the immigration system.

No plan to lower gas prices.

No plan to strengthen Social Security and Medicare.


My theory on Musk's mid-term plan for Twitter:

1) Disrupt the "woke" world which thrives on Twitter

2) Convert Twitter into a micro-payment monetization website, effectively replacing PornHub, Substack, YouTube, and any other pay-per-view or subscription service.

He needs marks/volume to make this happen so he trolls liberals to keep them around, and strokes the egos and greed of right-wing "citizen journalists" in hopes that they will invest their efforts in his scheme.

Time will tell.

if you're & wondering why there are so many peeps helping you out & giving you a welcome here, it's b/c many are invested in the joint & help maintain it. this place is crowd funded. you don't have to pay but it's great when you're able & feel you can.

this is NOT the other place. change can be hard & this place may not be for you. it's not for everyone. we get that & no one will try to persuade you otherwise.

you choose. you curate. you have some control over your exp here.

Is this what is going to pass for plausible deniability on the right... "he used us?"
No shit - and you were perfectly happy being used since you got something out of it.
Evangelicals can fuck all the way off.

Thank you, and , for allowing me to forget about this year's , and for providing me room to be patient with my . My sanity is forever grateful.

You can do everything โ€œrightโ€ and be assaulted. Thereโ€™s NO behavior, NO clothes, NO location and NO level of inebriation that causes rape. RAPISTS CAUSE RAPE. Full stop. This victim blaming crap only makes excuses for rapists. Just no.

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The_Ghost_Rat ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.