
No plan to deal with inflation.

No plan to improve healthcare or education.

No plan to build our infrastructure.

No plan to fix the immigration system.

No plan to lower gas prices.

No plan to strengthen Social Security and Medicare.


To the surprise of NO ONE who hadn't been thoroughly had by the smear campaigns.

@MOMTIFA if you’re looking for them to follow them put the name in the search at the far left of screen. Remember to hit the return after entering.

@MeidasTouch Someone should hold McCarthy accountable for his charlatanism, and outright cowardice. He is not a public servant; he is a mean little rabble rouser.

@MeidasTouch - that's because there is no platform. No vision for America. No plan. Nothing. That's today's Republican Party.

But never mind that a former prez, and sitting re-elected turds actively tried a coup. Jfc

@MeidasTouch practically writing ads for dems in '24 now. Every time they double down on a losing strategy it's just more ammo for dems.

@MeidasTouch As expected. They act like Jr. High kids with a grudge.🙄

@MeidasTouch There was never the intention by the gqo to actually legislate.
The goal was always to.undercut the Biden administration as possible, then in '24 run on a platform of " see? he wasn't able to help.the country. But we can"


they specifically have plans NOT to deal with these things, because [a] they cost money and/but [b] do NOT [necessarily] directly benefit the zillionaire class – the very people who fund the .

they could not care less that these things DO NOT benefit folks who are not zillionaires. indeed they seem to think that the latter group are put on this earth sheerly for the convenience, benefit, and profit of the zillionaires. the true meaning of 'underclass.'

@MeidasTouch Petty children out for revenge because their people are being held accountable for the things they did. So the best they can do is waste time and money inventing things to investigate hoping they get something right.

I hate Republicans.

@MeidasTouch because we keep letting them get away with it all while clutching our pearls and exclaiming how shocked we are.
Lock him up already!

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