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I guess the residents of Kviv have been keeping busy making cocktails😉

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The Ukrainian city of Lutsk was targeted moments ago by Russian missile strikes.

Lutsk is less than 100 km from the border with Poland: the furthest West strikes so far this morning.

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Over / under how long it takes before someone says nostradamus predicted this?

This is a pretty good live stream of Ukraine. It has a lot of camera's in one stream. It's raw, be aware.

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I decided on this set up. Too much?

Sumbitch is going for 60K on e-bay. If that ONE shit coin would break, I could easily afford it...

This really sucks dude is gone. He wasn't slowing down and fit right in with the Internet.

RIP Trevor

Good morning everyone! 14° here and only getting colder as the day goes on. Hope everyone is staying comfortable. ✌️

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