@DVillella I like "Perjury Traitor Greene". I haven't heard that one before.
I heard yesterday someone refer to Dinesh's movie as "2000 Donkey's..or whatever". That made me literally laugh out loud. :D

@Peg33 is that "Down Detector" or something like that? I'm looking for Ddos traffic.

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@DVillella haha. I haven't been messed with on my current account. So I didn't think it was that either. If there is some sort of outside forces making them go down, I figured here would be a good place to start to look.

@Peg33 no idea. I thought something had happened to my account.

@matuzalem what better place than here to check? :)

@Goddess I'll be back on soon. I am not sure how three accounts I had got slammed at once. None of them were "Problem" accounts. The e-mails didn't match. Pretty sure at least one of them was made when a phone number wasn't needed....One was 10 years old! Only the the "Largest" account was a semi-troll. I'm planning my return now. 😀 ✌️

@bit oh it's just Twitter. I've just made a ton of local friends on there. Id at least like to keep in contact with them. Who knows, they don't want me on their site, so be it. One less mark to advertise to.

And, it's gone. Last time I throw that out into the public! HAHA

I'm looking for people to Follow, not looking for followers. I honestly I am a little uncomfortable with the term "Followers", when it comes to me.
I prefer people don't "Follow" me around...maybe I'm weird...or just not used to the Internet being so ...non-Anonymous

So Twitter decided it was time for me to leave their platform. @KindBub is no more. :/
So now on Twitter it's Kind Bub @SuccessBlowy (I didn't create the name, but it's easy to remember)

HMU if you get a chance. It's hard to build back a following list. Thanks...

I don't think this is why my account is suspended. But this was the second to last tweet I sent before my account got blasted.

Wow, place has a "New Car" smell. I dig it.

I've got a feeling "Groups" might become popular pretty quickly.... G'night folks.

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@BarbRichter1 it just automatically checks links posted. Known sites aren't allowed. Similar to other sites, it just says it up front here. 😀

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