
Is anyone else having problems with ?

@TheKindestOfBubs Outage reporting site has a major spike of reports of twitter outage. Revenge of 3lon?

@DVillella haha. I haven't been messed with on my current account. So I didn't think it was that either. If there is some sort of outside forces making them go down, I figured here would be a good place to start to look.

@TheKindestOfBubs I had just made a comment about Perjury Traitor Greene, then *Poof*, down it went. Glad It's not just me.

@DVillella I like "Perjury Traitor Greene". I haven't heard that one before.
I heard yesterday someone refer to Dinesh's movie as "2000 Donkey's..or whatever". That made me literally laugh out loud. :D

@TheKindestOfBubs I called her Marjorie Three Names until she lied under oath at her hearing claiming she couldn't even recall her own text messages. Since then it's been Perjury Traitor Greene.

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