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This was something I did while bored. As in, I just opened 3d paint and had this saved from years ago. Threw it up as an NFT, and there ya go. BTW, it's always been about the CRACKER!!

JTL boosted

Hello, I am new in this app, someone can help?, thanks

Why would I post a band's song I really don't care for? Probably because of the Sublime cover...

JTL boosted

First episode of my new podcast. It's not very long, still looking for interesting guest. Hope I can get Ron Watkins on soon. 🤞 Don't forget to Skype and Surprise!

I am torn on which VR set to buy. I hate FB's hijacking the term "Metaverse", but dude is making it easy as hell to join on with that deal.

Any suggestions for a good VR setup? I will upgrade my PC....but not looking forward to the graphic card update....THANKS!

When I don't just pound alcohol, I don't seem to feel like garbage the next day. Weird.....

It's gotten late huh? It's already 2022 on the West Coast. I either have to hurry up on my beer, or rest in the fact I'll be sipping it all day tomorrow. I have plenty of food and no reason to leave my house tomorrow. Might call it a night....

I want to send this to my ex-wife..of over 10 years ago. Too late?

Happy New Year everyone! Except treasonous fuckers. They can hang. But everyone else, hope 2022 is AWESOME!

NYE, at home. Drinking beers. Thinking "I REALLY should buy a Tablet. One I can really get down with...."
New meds or beer, not sure which. OR, I just want to jump in the middle of having one of them.
These are my plans for tonight. Beer and some last of the year purchases.....

Christmas Music get's all the love. I can only think of one song NYE gets. Something about same old song or something....what a jip!

JTL boosted

That's it. I refuse to work until next year, and you can't make me.

Hi ya folks. :) drinking? If anyone is into that sorta thing.....

What a hell of a fun Christmas song!! I can't believe this was the first year I heard it. Tremendous.

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