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Basic Hair Care Steps:
1) Detangle before shower (remove natural shed)
2) Completely saturate hair with water
3) Add shampoo, focus on scalp, lather, rinse, repeat until scalp is clean, rinse.
4) Conditioner: detangle ends up to apply and/or Scalp Treatment, let sit for 2-3 minutes, rinse.
5) Microfiber towel, squeeze and blot (no rub)
6) Style with style product formulated for hair, preferably with blow dryer/diffuser
7) Maintain until next wash, not past 5 days apart.

This time of year, we see a lot of Dry Scalp (NOT Dandruff). The weather's changing, the heaters go on. Lips, hands, skin, hair and scalp ALL need more moisture this time of year.

The last thing you want to do is dry your scalp and hair out more with Dandruff hair and scalp care products creating an even dryer problem!

Highly recommend partnering with a dermatologist if you believe you have a Dandruff problem, but your hairstylist should be able to help with Dry Scalp.

Contrary to popular belief, Dry Scalp and Dandruff are not the same and are solved with opposite treatments.
Dandruff: the yeast on your scalp is overrun and is feeding on excess oils.
Treatment: Starve the fungus. Dry out the scalp. Reduce oil production.
Dry scalp: the skin on your scalp needs moisture, and is creating dry, dead, flaking skin.
Treatment: Moisturize the scalp. Some conditioners double as scalp treatments.
It's important to know which issue you're working with

Amy Siskind
🍑🍑 Georgia on my mind 🍑🍑
80,000 early votes on Saturday, 90,000 on Sunday. This, despite Republican efforts to make voting more difficult, and voters needing to wait an hours, long lines. Let’s do this, Georgia! Everyone reading this, please reach out to your friends who live in the state, and remind them to vote!

Game night! I'm a fan of drawing my characters. It helps me figure out who they are and how they should act on game.

Thursday, I got a message that we lost a friend from a heart attack.
This was someone I talked to weekly. I considered family. And just like that... lost.
I spend some time watching our favorite show, going through old photos, and sharing stories with his other close friends.
Cherish those closest to you a little extra. Tell someone you love them.

And of course, in the name of Tradition, no Thanksgiving is complete without watching Adams Damily Values.

The only movie

Also be warned community. It is not unusual for a troll swarm on holidays like today, when J may be afk. If you see trolls, block, report, and keep it moving.

Enjoying a lovely view this morning as I sip some coffee. Letting sink in:
for the accomplishments I've made this far,
the teamwork that supported me getting here,
the growth I've gone through as a person,
the decisions I've made,
the mentors and teachers that saw potential in me,
the partners that lifted me up through my low points,
the chosen family that sticks by my side,
the wisdom I have to make good decisions,
the strength I have to follow through,
the magic I have followed

I'm so glad Bill Nye started another show. I love learning new science.

Rinse. And. Repeat. Until. Your. Hair. Is. Clean.
Rinse and repeat until your hair is clean.

How many times is that?
How much product do you use?
How long ago was your last wash?
What is your hair exposed to in the meantime?
Did you rinse and repeat until clean the last time you washed it? Or is last week's oil/product actually still there?

For some people, could be 6, for some *probably* 2.

Completely saturating your hair with water before introducing shampoo is key to having an easier time in the shower, AND using less shampoo.
**For some people due to:
1) non-water soluble products heavy in oils/butters/waxes OR using RAW oils/butters/waxes
2) going too long in between washing (the *minimum* is 5 days)
3) Virgin hair is naturally low porosity
4) Coarse hair has a thicker cuticle layer
It may take up to 15 minutes to complete saturate your hair with water.

The best drip coffee is Dave's Donuts, which doesn't have a solid location, they roast the beans on site, but hasn't been back to Louisiana Ren Faire in a couple years, so I hope they're doing okay.

The best Cappuccinos are definitely in Italy, but I'll also nominate the Gelato place in New Orleans known as Angelo Broccato's as they also have an old bronze expresso machine.

Alright, my take on the as a former Barista (of 6+ years) is that the best depends on what you prefer to order, as the beans are prepared different ways and companies invest in what their best known for.

Starbucks has good expresso, but their drip coffee, iced coffee, and cold brew isn't great.

PJ's (New Orleans local franchise) invests in good Cold Brew (which they use in Granitas and Velvet Ices), but their expresso and drip isn't as good.


It sounds like I missed a war (I'll weigh in on coffee war later).

But it reminds me of the time I went to Italy, we found a video game pizza bar just outside Florence.

And this pizza didn't know how to evenly distribute the topings... at all.

So if there's a contender for the worst pizza, I'd like to submit this one I had in 2018.

Whoever said Italy had the best pizza needs to be specific 😆

@ianthealy I am completely sold on this Darth Binks theory and will allow it to influence all future rewatchings.

I will say this as loud as I can, as often as I can.
God does not, nor has He ever, had beef with the LGBTQIA community. That's all man. And we know how savage men can be, don't we?

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| The Hairlock Supreme |

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