I wasn't too worried when turning on every overhead light in my apartment failed to cure my depression, but now that turning on every lamp has proven similarly ineffective, I'm all out of ideas.
@Nimthiriel Definitely worth a try.
@TheCard Go outside, sit in the porch or under a tree. If you don't want to go out, open a window and sit if front of it, breathe the fresh air and feel the sunlight. Shower. Being and feeling clean is refreshing.
@Kittiekatt53 Thanks so much! I appreciate the advice!
Do you have windows? If not maybe a porch or stoop where you can sit in the sun daily?
@MotherOfDragons I have windows - and thank you for the advice! I truly appreciate it.
If you're suffering from SAD , and you're in the northern hemisphere, maybe relief is in sight. 🤞
@MotherOfDragons I hope so! Thank you!
@TheCard Vitamin D supplements?