"This evening I talked to one person who asked: do people have the energy to keep doing this? Organizing, opposing, fundraising, voting. It’s been a lot. Anti-Trump America has been at this for a decade. Do people dust themselves off and go back to it in two years? I think we have to take that seriously as a question. Because people are truly exhausted. People can choose simply to withdraw back into their private worlds."
@corlin I'm still up for a fight.
Same. but as Josh wrote" I don’t think we should deny the exhaustion. That’s foolish. You can’t overcome something simply by denying it. "
So regrouping is crucial. But what does effective resistance and "fighting" even look like?
I guess we're veterans of his grotesque ways from his first insufferable term.
And we made it through that. Only thing I can think right now is that we kept each others spirits up here to remain sane and keep moving forward.