CounterSocial is a community of real people, and real people tend to discuss current events. If there's a topic that's harshing your mellow, then we highly recommend setting up filters to remove that topic from your timeline.
Seasoned CoSo users will set up temporary filters to limit exposure to certain topics, then go back and remove those filters after they've died down. It's a great way to curate your experience here! #CoSoTips
Good morning you awesome people! Chatting and maybe some games today on stream. Join me for another chill day.
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So this is kind of a really good read.
The Powerball drawing for a record $2.04 billion jackpot has been held after a delay over security protocols. Did you win?
While I don't post videos every week, I'm happy to announce that my DIY channel just hit 2,300 subscribers! 😍
Experiencing glitches? That's to be expected. We're experiencing a huge surge in popularity. If you're having issues, just try again later. #CoSoTips
This post is from a few months ago. I just want to point out I do have one regret about the International Spy Museum. We had to leave after being there for 3 hours because of a conference my wife had to attend. Due to that, I never got to see or take a picture with @th3j35t3r's laptop. Sucks, but next time I'll find it!
Welcome to all of the new folks that have found your way to CoSo. You've joined an AMAZING community!
A great link to keep available is the user guide:
Have a great day.
No Man's Sky And Possibly Other Games. Not sure what all I'm going to do today, but it will be chill so hang out and chat with me.
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Fellow streamers...
There's a new webcam out there. I'm not a big fan of elgato's price on products, but they may have actually done this one right.
Senpai Gaming, aka Harris Heller put out this video on it, and it's got a lot of information
the @DeepFakeDetector , if it flags one of your stuff. does it delete it to? it flagged my speedpaint as a deepfake and I dont know at all what to do with that info. I mean, its my process drawing. Not fake news? #cosohelp
U.S.A.F. Veteran creating content and meeting new people from around the world.
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