@sugar0addict take em!😂
@ChillySnowgirl lol, yeah I remember those. So gaudy.
I used to think I wouldn't have the patience for it but I'm in the middle of nowhere hotspotting off a phone with no data, I get about dial up speeds on everything. Downloading 1GB can take about 3 - 5 hours. When I download games I have to leave my phone next to my laptop 24/7 for days at a time, like more than a week in some cases. Streaming is off the table entirely. Animated gifs still take me a while to load.
@ChillySnowgirl oh yeah, back before it was mainstream and it wasn't about superficiality and "influencers" and even just being on the internet in general was looked down on. The greatest achievement you could get was like, being made admin of a board, that was the height of achievements. People weren't sharing pictures of every meal they ate, etc.
@ChillySnowgirl people always liked to rag on those of us who made legitimate friendships with people we met on forums, image boards and online games but they're real friendships and they last.
@ChillySnowgirl oh wow, that's so cool. I'd kept a few friends from my forum days for quite a while, though we eventually fell off not all that long ago. I think that's the best thing about the internet, and that's why I think those were better days. It was a lot simpler.
@ChillySnowgirl I'm pretty sure I ragged on colour a couple times. I was young and stupid.
@ChillySnowgirl I remember having a lot of fun with BBS formatting, made me feel like a web developer. Did people give you shit for saying colour?
@ChillySnowgirl I'd heard it was a pretty wild place, think I visited it a time or two. I was into BBS boards only for a short stint.
@ChillySnowgirl lol I wasn't there but I've heard it mentioned before a while ago.
@ChillySnowgirl those were better days
@Smersh I've never used one, I unfortunately can't seed.
@JDominy never a reason not to. Live every day like you're dying.
Dogs whisper their secrets to me, and I keep each and every one of them.