@Jennifelroy What a lovely lady
@Autumn oh wow that's cool, love the colors.
@Museek Good morning! Hope you're feeling well and have a good day
@mcfate what a shitty human.
@CherNohio Lucky! That's amazing
@coldclearsea that's quite the sight
@VelvetDuchess I've definitely heard some good things about Ecuador, that's on the list.
I know many are struggling with day to day life right now. Just surviving financially.
When I was younger, I was a single Mom. My car was repossessed, and then I came home and my electricity was cut off. I felt like an utter failure as a parent. This part of my life lasted many years. It was soooo hard. I have tons of stories. I felt deep despair.
I say this, because sometimes you just have to keep going. Keep trying. Keep learning. Rest when you need to rest. Do not give up. It gets better.
@Museek the colors are perfect👌
@Museek I love this
@XSGeek oh wow, I guess the process is more complicated than I expected. I'm pretty serious about it but I'm not sure what the path of least resistance would be.
I was just gonna try to smuggle myself aboard a cargo freightliner or something and try to marry someone once I got there.
@phase @InvaderGzim @VelvetDuchess that's a nice area. I lived in Colorado for a bit, that's about the closest I've gotten to the middle of the country.
@stueytheround that's what I've heard, lots of people vocal about avoiding the UK
@VelvetDuchess Central America sounds like it would be a good option.
@XSGeek New Zealand is so far at the top of my list.
@Reincarnation_1 this sounds interesting, gonna look into it
@InvaderGzim @VelvetDuchess Belize is one I was considering.
Dogs whisper their secrets to me, and I keep each and every one of them.