
Anyone have experience with hospice care? Chemo/immunotherapy aren’t helping mom this time. Her cancer has spread to her liver, the bones of her pelvis, and lymph system. The oncologist recommended hospice care. I would welcome any wisdom/information you guys have to offer.

@TRantosaurus I'm so sorry you are going through this. I'm a strong supporter of hospice care but I have no idea what's available to you in your area. It is so important to offer dignity and comfort. We were able to do this for my mother from her own home. My SIL was at the forefront of palliative care back in the 80s when hospices were first available, so it was easy for us. Stay strong and get the support you need.

@TRantosaurus 💔
Sorry, I used to work for hospice and have had many relatives in hospice. It very much varies by where you are but this kind of nursing can really help. I don't have any experience on how they manage during this pandemic. I would ask a trusted faith person or social worker. ❤️

@TRantosaurus I'm very sorry for what you're going through, sending love 💛
If you're asking about getting her into hospice, research public records i.e. court records. If looking at getting her care in the home or exploring other options, that is all going to depend on your insurance, the state of being she's in and the level of care she'd need for daily life
I knew someone who chose not to fight her pancreatic cancer, stayed home and was visited by an aide to make her more comfortable

@luxsit Thank you. She will stay at my house. She has Medicare and an advantage plan. I’ll submit FMLA paperwork tomorrow, to get that process started. I’m not sure how insurance will work. We’ve experienced a few bumps in the road because her home is in South Carolina and I live in Virginia. The oncologist said she will reach out to hospice and they should be contacting me later this week.

@TRantosaurus yeah, that'll give some hassles, but they should work with you given your provider plan works in both regions. that the oncologist is recommending/reaching out to hospice means that you should be cleared for coverage. best of luck, i work in healthcare/medicare advising so feel free to DM if you want (and no i wont try to sell anything, im not a sales person and get paid hourly). i cant guarantee ill have all the answers but feel free if youre wondering anything.
best of luck💛

I’m so terribly sorry. My heart breaks for you. 😪 A hospice provider manages palliative care. I was involved with that given to my mom who also had cancer. You’ll receive an initial visit from a team leader who will assess the level of initial care. A nurse will be assigned who will routinely call and visit your mom. She will work with the hospice doc to determine which comfort drugs are best for her. Medicare paid for mom’s. 1/??

Medicare also paid for any equipment mom needed, walker, wheelchair, oxygen as well as any prescriptions needed to manage side effects from the comfort drugs. As the need progresses, the team will be in constant contact with your mom and those persons assigned to also be involved. The nurse visits increased depending on need. At the very least calls are routinely made. Contact will also be made with the hospice social worker and spiritual counselor 2/??

Throughout this process, assessments are constantly being done to be sure your mom receives what she needs. They will work with your mom to be sure the pain management is exactly what your mom wants. Hospice nurses are on call 24/7 and available ANYTIME you need them. Don’t hesitate to call.

Please feel free to DM me anytime. I will support you through this every step of the way. 💜

@CherNohio I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that.

@CherNohio Great info., thank you. It’s helps a little to feel like I’m getting a handle on things.

@TRantosaurus I understand so well. Consider keeping notes in a journal. It kept me sane through the process. It’s impossible to remember every detail when this is such an emotional journey for all. I attended every nurse visit, listened in on every phone call and write every detail down. It was a reference for those times my heart was breaking and I couldn’t remember the details.

@TRantosaurus hospice care is wonderful. It has a few drawbacks but they are easily overlooked.

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