Business Advice for Writers: Many writers are setting up Shopify stores to sell their work directly to their readers. You can also include your website in the Shopify site.. .

I'll be speaking at Author Nation in Las Vegas from November 11 - 16. Let me know if you will be attending AuthorNation. I'd love to meet CounterSocial writers! My talk is entitled, "Growing Your Writing Business: How to Create and Use a Writer’s Business Plan that Works for You."

Business Advice for Writers: Medical issues have kept me off CounterSocial for some time. I am doing better and am back to writing again. I'll be posting Business Advice for Writers again. #writingcommunity#CoSoWriters

Business Advice for Writers: Editors want great stories. They don't care how old you are or what your social media numbers are. Instead, they want to know if you wrote a story that they and readers would not be able to put down.

@LiberalLibrarian @slirt Ah, I love bowling. I told my family last week for my birthday I wanted to go to a new bowling alley that just opened. Let me know if you keep at it. Here in New England, the lanes are usually pinball. I prefer a real bowling alley, but that's just me.

@Mizmo I was having this issue often. I started writing from 2 - 6 when I woke up and there was no one to bother or interrupt me. Then I sleep from 6-10. Of course if you aren't writing full-time I realize that won't work. Sleep issues are rampant it seems these days. There is just so much stress to deal with. I hope this was a one time occurrence for you.

Business Advice for Writers: Set goals. Don't abandon them if you don't make one. At least you know where you're going. Many writers quit when they miss a goal. You can't make a goal you don't have. Keep working & you'll succeed.

@WestofMars I'm sure it will come back. I recently had this happen to me. Rereading from the beginning helped me. I hope the voice comes to you soon.

Business Advice for Writers: I attended an Ed Sheeran concert last night. He said he wrote a new song and played it at the pub. every week. People ignored him when he sang, but he kept doing it. Be like Ed. Write a short story every week & mail it until you make it.

Business Advice for Writers: Make managing your expenses a part of your business routine. Always know how much you spent last month, how much cash is in your writing bank account for this month, & how much you owe each month for the rest of the year.

Business Advice for Writers: Registration for the New England Crime Bake was announced. I'm going. Let me know if you are going! (Tickets usually sell out fast!) , ,

Business Advice for Writers: A key to selling more books is knowing when to outsource non-writing tasks. When you struggle to meet non-writing obligations it is time to research outsourcing options.


A quote from my reading this morning:

"Failure is inevitable. Learning is a choice."

We can always learn from our mistakes.



They seem to know when we have decided to sleep in. Personally, I think mine are just upset that I haven't fed them yet. (At 4:30 in the morning. I blame the baby birds chirping who wake the cats up. My husband blames the cats.)

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Tonya D. Price

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.