Business Advice for Writers: Editors want great stories. They don't care how old you are or what your social media numbers are. Instead, they want to know if you wrote a story that they and readers would not be able to put down.

Business Advice for Writers: Set goals. Don't abandon them if you don't make one. At least you know where you're going. Many writers quit when they miss a goal. You can't make a goal you don't have. Keep working & you'll succeed.

Business Advice for Writers: I attended an Ed Sheeran concert last night. He said he wrote a new song and played it at the pub. every week. People ignored him when he sang, but he kept doing it. Be like Ed. Write a short story every week & mail it until you make it.

Business Advice for Writers: Make managing your expenses a part of your business routine. Always know how much you spent last month, how much cash is in your writing bank account for this month, & how much you owe each month for the rest of the year.

Business Advice for Writers: Registration for the New England Crime Bake was announced. I'm going. Let me know if you are going! (Tickets usually sell out fast!) , ,

Business Advice for Writers: A key to selling more books is knowing when to outsource non-writing tasks. When you struggle to meet non-writing obligations it is time to research outsourcing options.


A quote from my reading this morning:

"Failure is inevitable. Learning is a choice."

We can always learn from our mistakes.


"Harder work does not equal more recognition. Destroying yourself will not buy you the luck that you’re seeking. Ignoring life will not make you a better writer. I’ve learned all these things at great cost.

Hopefully, you won’t have to."

Business Advice for Writers: Writers face every conceivable obstacle. Be as relentless in overcoming challenges as your characters are in reaching their goal. Your protagonist doesn't give up. Neither can you if you are going to bring them to life. @COSOWriters

Business Advice for Writers: No one who gives you a business card at a networking event will think you are bothering them if you send them a short message saying you enjoyed meeting them & info on a topic of interest to them.

Business Advice for Writers: Knowing how to network is important for building your writing career. In my blog post I cover "5 Rules for Effective Networking for Writers."

My latest non-fiction business book for writers is available exclusively in the Write Stuff

The Write Stuff Business Book Bundle has launched, & Business Books for Writer's newest book in the series is once again offered as an exclusive! Get your copy of Building the Writer's Network and 9 other books before July 6! Learn more at & save a bundle!

Business Advice for Writers: Vellum writers with poor eyesight: if you struggle to read the text in Vellum's text editor, go to Vellum setting -> Text Editor. You can set the text size to read the text editor font easily! This is a game-changer for me.

Business Advice for Writers: Went away for a Career Authors Retreat. The weekend included three days of valuable lectures, discussions, and great networking. I met some wonderful writers and instructors. Check it out for next year!

@TPrice however, I'd advise against using generative AI for tasks such as brainstorming, outlining, or drafting. Those are crucial parts of the creative process, in my opinion, and outsourcing those does not lead to a person's best work.

Business Advice for Writers: Look for ways to reduce time spent on admin tasks. Your job is to create stories to sell. If you can afford it, outsource the production of your book and/or marketing or invest in technology to increase your writing time.

Business Advice for Writers: As your income builds, reinvest a percentage of your earnings back into your writing business. If you feel overwhelmed by your workload begin to outsource tasks.

Business Advice For Writers: One of the hardest things to do is hit the submit button. But at some point, you must conquer your fear of rejection because it is the only way to get an acceptance letter.

I have had two copy editors go through my non-fiction manuscript and I've gone through it three times and used the spell checker. How can I still find little things to fix?

My new non-fiction book, "Building the Writer's Network" has been through the first copy edit and my revision. Now it is sitting with the second copy editor! So far my production team is ahead of schedule! Today I send out testimonial requests! @writers

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Tonya D. Price

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