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“selling “separatism” is “long known as one of Kremlin’s favorite tactics to"divide & conquer,”

Believe nothing you read online until you check up on who's writing it, first. Due diligence is paramount, now more than ever!

Skiff was acquired by Notion and they're shutting everything down! Man I hate when people sell out!! I can't blame them for wanting to get paid, but damn! It was such a good service and a great alternative to Proton!


Q: In your interview with Putin, you didn’t talk about freedom of speech in Russia, you did not talk about Navalny, about assassinations

Tucker Carlson: Leadership requires killing people

This is exactly why I use DuckDuckGo's App Tracking Protection on my phone. It creates an internal VPN and watches for f*cked up stuff like this. Best tool I have found yet, and it's free! It may not catch everything that bypasses security measures, but it'll catch a lot and show you who's looking at you.

About Temu:
Temu is "purposefully and intentionally" loaded with "a complete arsenal of tools to exfiltrate virtually all the private data on a user's device and perform nearly any malign action upon command trigger from a remote server." This, it alleges, gives the company access to "literally everything on your phone."

Are those prices REALLY worth giving the chinese gov't access to your entire life?

"In American football, the team’s offense aims to advance the ball down the field in order to score points, with each yard gained being significant for their progress."

- article

In his first four weeks in office, Louisiana Republican Gov. Jeff Landry has filled the ranks of state environmental posts with fossil fuel executives.

No conflict of interest there! Claims his goal is to “create a better prospective business climate.”

Of all the states vulnerable to rising sea levels, you'd think the asshat in charge of the one state that's partially below sea level already would want to NOT put oil execs in charge of climate laws.

"A Trump lawyer said POTUS can order Seal Team Six to take out a political rival with impunity."

So, does this mean if the courts find that POTUS has complete immunity from prosecution, Biden could legally order ST6 to go take out Drumpf, or at the very least make him disappear until after the election?

Do the orange monkey and his lawyers not think before they speak?


"In an uncanny prophesy of Petitioner’s efforts to stay in office in 2020, Thomas Jefferson warned that an incumbent president defeated in a close re-election campaign might “pretend false votes [and] foul play” in an effort to illegitimately “hold possession of the reins of government.” Letter from Jefferson to Madison, December 20,
1787. "

In case you would like to read the Amicus filed yesterday with SCOTUS before they begin to head arguments on the disqualification. It's a very approachable read, even for any kids with any interest in constitutional law.

Sam Lee, lobbyist for Campaign Life Missouri, testified on Tuesday for the need for provisions like this that make sure “the rights of the minority aren’t trampled on.”

How is giving a woman a choice trampling on the rights of those who CHOOSE life over an abortion? I'm sorry, but your argument in this case is bullshit.

"Following the successful passage of referendums legalizing abortion in Republican states such as Ohio and Kansas, Republican legislators in Mississippi and Missouri are passing bills to prevent ballot measures that would legalize abortion."

So instead sucking it up and realizing that the majority has voted, they want to remove your right to vote along with women's right to choose.


If ever there were a scent you could smell from its description, it's this....

"Trump smells of soiled diapers, Axe Body Spray and hotdog burps."

How twisted does your view of reality need to be?

on Saturday, leaders of the Republican Party of Texas voted down a resolution barring members from associating with anyone "known to espouse or tolerate antisemitism, pro-Nazi sympathies or Holocaust denial."

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