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Car accident on the rainbow bridge in Niagara falls reportedly caused by a stuck accelerator. It was a Couple from Grand Island NY.

How much do you want to bet this guy hung out with Orban in Hungary during one of his Media-banned parties that he held with right-wing leaders from around the world? This is straight out of his playbook.
Sow questions of election integrity, Take over the media, and make major corporations private so they're more easily controlled and answer only to the government.

Elon Musk’s Disturbing ‘Truth’
The billionaire affirmed the deadliest anti-Semitic conspiracy theory in recent American history.

So when are people going to finally turn on this shitbag and make his little crappy platform pay for his bigotry?

Paywalled link, unless you can cancel the page-load before the paywall kicks in. ;)

Fascist roadmap, and they may find ways to implement it if more of these whackjobs get elected and paid off.

Visited Rumble for the first time ever. I think we could sell dehydrated water to some of those idiots and make huge profits!
100% Free of CIA mind control chemicals!

Just discovered Bitchute and Rumble...
I now regret loading those two sites and must scour my eyeballs.

That is all.

Only in Florida will you find gator-wrestling practice in the back of a bus full of kids.

Johnson also said Republicans will defend “the right of the citizens to protect themselves,”

People aren't using guns for protection. They're using them to kill beer cans, and other people.

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