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"The problem is the human heart. It's not guns ...

-Rep. Mike Johnson

What makes loving another person so dangerous? What makes marrying them so dangerous? How are people who believe these are dangerous things taken seriously?

On Same sex marriage

"Society cannot give its stamp of approval to such a dangerous lifestyle"

-Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House

So where are all the "good guys with guns" idiots? Y'all better be heading to Maine to hunt this asshat down!

One of the best pro-religion arguments against religion in schools I have ever heard! We need more articulate and understanding people in office like this man!

So because Apple wants to treat China with kid gloves they would rather push out hosts than let them speak their mind? So happy that I dumped Apple long ago.

I keep saying, the more anti-everything they are online, the more they're trying to convince the world that they're not hiding something. Prime Example:

This crap is getting scary and NOBODY in NC should stand for it, no matter which side you're on. Unchecked and unaccountable authority IS authoritarian.

Hope they're much appreciated in prison. I have a feeling they'll be popular on those warm and lonely night.

TommyG boosted
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