Hahahaha!!!! Who didn't see that coming after telling them to appoint his brats wife to the RNC?

Sell it off like the rest of us lowly peasants are required to do when our debts are called in. Why should you be held to sperate rules?


Ginsburg helped establish the award with the Opperman Foundation to celebrate “women who exemplify human qualities of empathy and humility.” So why, then, are there 4 men and 1 woman being awarded? And how the hell do Murdoch and Musk exemplify empathy and humility? Someone at Opperman got paid!!


"They ruled that a person cannot be disqualified from office by the 14th Amendment unless Congress passes legislation saying so."

So, does this mean anyone can run for president until congress passes a law stating otherwise? Under 35? Sure! Not a US Citizen? Come on down!!!

“The only thing worse than a woman who doesn’t know her place, is a man who doesn’t know his,”

What a great guy! Let's put HIM in office!


Love love love the hypocrisy!! The dude in charge of CPAC and completely anti-anything not christian was called out for fondling his male driver, among other charges. Such a wonderful group of people, they are.


@Wbtphdjd Except the court has already said they have no say over congress and the 12th amendment in presidential election matters, per the article, which is what makes this such a shitty situation.

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