About Temu:
Temu is "purposefully and intentionally" loaded with "a complete arsenal of tools to exfiltrate virtually all the private data on a user's device and perform nearly any malign action upon command trigger from a remote server." This, it alleges, gives the company access to "literally everything on your phone."

Are those prices REALLY worth giving the chinese gov't access to your entire life?



This is exactly why I use DuckDuckGo's App Tracking Protection on my phone. It creates an internal VPN and watches for f*cked up stuff like this. Best tool I have found yet, and it's free! It may not catch everything that bypasses security measures, but it'll catch a lot and show you who's looking at you.

@poemblaze @TG2

It's free. But you have to have the ddg browser app downloaded and turn the service on. There may be a short waiting period. If you delete the app, you'd have to wait again (if there still is a waiting period).

@poemblaze @TG2

Quite welcome. To turn it on, go into the settings and all their privacy info is on the top. You can get a duck.com email address that forwards to another account (can't send from it, though) and with that, you can get throwaway emails for websites that require sign-ins, but don't want to provide your real email.

App tracking protection doesn't allow another VPN though. So if you're currently running through a VPN, you have to choose which one you prefer or switch.

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