
4th of July MAGA flag display from my morning bike ride.

Tell me how this makes any sense? Trump called the military a bunch of suckers and losers. Trump said of POWs: “I like people who weren’t captured." And Trump is currently facing trial for violation of the ESPIONAGE ACT and he's under investigation and likely facing indictment for sedition and other crimes against everything that American flag stands for.

How does this display make any sense?

It doesn't. Because MAGA is a cult.

Any veteran or active duty person who still supports Trump ought to reread the oath they took when they entered the service. If we vowed to honor that oath, shouldn’t the Commander in Chief be expected to honor their oath? “…support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America…”

It boggles the mind.
The contradictions and hypocrisy are overwhelming.
Their definition of patriotism is antithetical to the true meaning. I will never understand it, but is is real and it is pernicious

@Stonekettle This guy is a current candidate for mayor of North Charleston, South Carolina, 3rd largest city in the state. Note especially in the bottom right corner, it says "TRUMP WON." There's no reasoning with the unreasonable.

@Stonekettle Most likely a pro-life, pro-death-penalty fella.

@Stonekettle Indeed. Nothing that any MAGA does makes any sense whatsoever.

@Stonekettle Because the military has always been a magnet for those with white nationalist/ supremacist tendencies.
They enlist, serve their tour, then take what they have been trained to do & join far right wing extremist groups.

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