
If you haven't voted yet, tomorrow is the day.

Download the ballot, review the choices, the candidates, and the initiatives. Make a plan for getting to the polls. Encourage others to do the same and help them if they need it.

You want a better nation? Be a better citizen.

@Stonekettle Voted early, downloaded Dem voter guide to my phone, had two fellas give me a hard copy Dem voter guide outside the polls, checked that their guide was accurate, voted, went back to fist bump the guys who gave me the guide

@Stonekettle Voted in person to keep Illinois blue a couple weeks ago - so tempted to write LOL beside EVERY Republican candidate!

I wear that sweatshirt! Especially in Voting season, but also when I am feeling a little bitchy!

@Stonekettle Already voted, as did my husband and my 18 and 20 year old kids. Doing our best to hold on to democracy.

@Stonekettle Voted early. Got my ballot, filled it out at home where I could check facts if needed, & took it to the Elections office. Straight blue.

@Stonekettle Dropped our ballot in a nice box today. No crazy militia types here in SF!

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