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If only they could sentence him to eternal silence.

Yelling for three minutes at Alexa to turn off my music only to realize it was a Youtube playlist on my computer.

Stevo boosted

Wouldn't answer my work place FU question but now he's got paragraphs for me to read...

@Alfred Do you have the ability to pretend to have feelings?

@Alfred Are you still mad at me? Never responded to my question yesterday.

If humans are teaching humans, isn't all intelligence artificial?

@BFBucky1 I mostly see them on golf courses but never seen one sitting on a car before !

I don’t know how big the tree was when he started wood pecking it

@thedisasterautist Good man. I tried to fight through it Saturday night and ended up sick with a migraine. Rest when you need it.

@Alfred What's a professional way to say "fuck you" to someone in the workplace?

I’m not always right, but when I am, I like to brag about it

This was actually about 2 hrs ago and I forgot to hit post. She came, we saw, she conquered

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