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It all lasted a few minutes but I’m giddy like a teenager… 🤔 😮 F eight-teenager 👻

I should date the Microsoft Software Center. She's never disappointed with me. On the contrary, she's always asking me to restart.

Crypto money influencer is a very fancy was of saying someone’s a fucking fraud

It's almost 40 degrees out, or a little over 100 for you Americans if I'm converting right, but because my workplace has PGA golf tour dress policies, I have to wear pants to work.

Heat dome settling in tomorrow, it was nice knowing y’all

When life gives you alligators make Gatorade

HEADLINE : "Russian ships arrive in Cuba"

The entire world reacts the same way, in total astonishment that they didn't sink along the way.

Everyone outside the US looking at the Hunter Biden news, : "So what?"

I don't know if I have any space buffs here on Coso, but i'm looking at the C2/C3 cameras and if you start at approx 4 days ago, you see a glowing dot moving from the middle towards the left. I'm guessing that's Mercury?

The worst thing about watching F1 racing regularly is having to see the Max Verstappen Heineken commercial all the frigging time.

If only they could sentence him to eternal silence.

Yelling for three minutes at Alexa to turn off my music only to realize it was a Youtube playlist on my computer.

Stevo boosted

Wouldn't answer my work place FU question but now he's got paragraphs for me to read...

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