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Would be funny if the conservative majority SCOTUS agrees with Trump that the president has absolute immunity, and later that day, Joe Biden sends in SEAL Team 6 to grab Trump and all the Justices who voted in favor and drag them off to Gitmo, then appoints 5 or 6 new Justices. He wouldn't do it, of course, 'cause he's not an asshole. But it would be funny. In an ironic, poetic justice sort of way.

@Kittiekatt53 She's actually a very sweet cat, but I wasn't going to let that get in the way of a good caption.

@UmbaSaffire Wasn't huge. Maybe the length of an adult's pinky finger.

@dauphin87 While he's at it, he could send every SCOTUS justice who voted to give him that power. Just for the irony.

Cyanide millipede. Wanna guess how it defends itself from predators?

Study by the World Health Organization estimates that vaccines have prevented over 150 million deaths during the last 50 years.
I have a new poem in this week's North Coast Journal. It's called "Take the Mods Thrifting", it's part of a collaboration I've been working on with Chris Stroffolino (more about that soon!) and it's an homage to articles of clothing mentioned in pop songs.
If you're not in Humboldt County to pick up the paper edition, you can find it online at the link above.
4. Melvins – "Working the Ditch". Familiar yet welcome sound of doomy sludgy riffs, howling feedback and dark shouty vocals. "It was a dark time for us/The whole goddamn godless world".
3. Bon Enfant – Trompe-l'oeil". Postpunky bass and guitar that goes from punky stabs to jangly licks, plus singing en francais (band is from Montreal).
2. Fontaines D.C. – "Starburster". Irish indie rockers come back strong with solid lead drumming, James Bond guitar, gasping in the choruses, and numerous other little flourishes that all just work.

My Top 4 Songs of the Week (2024 Week 16):
1. Yannis and the Yaw featuring Tony Allen – "Walk Through Fire". Foals singer meets Afrobeat legend in one of drummer Allen's last projects before his 2020 passing, and everyone rises to the occasion. Electrifying.

If the Cocteau Twins ever get back together I got their sleeve art covered.
Video of the fantastic reading by George Albon, Dennis Phillips and Avery Burns last night at Green Apple Books in San Francisco. "The somnambulist walking straight out into the coup"
5. Gimmy – "Bathrooms". Aussie new wave art-punk with faux-European accented vocals taking on taboos like "would you touch my baguette?"

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Steve Carll

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