I did a livestreamed reading of "Half Dreamt", the second book of Hypnopompic Diaries, from my living room/library in Honolulu in July of 2021. You can watch it on my YouTube channel. Hypnopompic Diaries, Books One and Two is available from AlienBuddha Press and can be purchased at Amazon (link in comments.)
Two poems from my Oulipo-inspired series "Pumice Vocal" were just published in the 6th issue of TYPO from Black Scat Books. Each poem takes a vowel sound and runs with it--every word contains that sound. I'm pleased to be included in this journal: each issue not only dives deep into avant-garde history, but also carries its spirit into the future.
Since the beginning of this year the amazing Chris Stroffolino and I have been writing poems on our relationship to music, both in dialogue and collaboratively. Nine of the pieces from this project appear in the Spring 2024 issue of BlazeVOX launched today. Follow the link and click on Chris's name to read four of his response poems, plus one that we wrote together. Click on my name to see four of my responses (plus one, "Future Futures", that's unrelated).
I have a new poem in this week's North Coast Journal. It's called "Take the Mods Thrifting", it's part of a collaboration I've been working on with Chris Stroffolino (more about that soon!) and it's an homage to articles of clothing mentioned in pop songs.
If you're not in Humboldt County to pick up the paper edition, you can find it online at the link above.
Video of the fantastic reading by George Albon, Dennis Phillips and Avery Burns last night at Green Apple Books in San Francisco. "The somnambulist walking straight out into the coup"

Alien Buddha Zine #61 (April 2024) is now out and contains a 7-page excerpt from Hypnopompic Diaries, my full-length book which is also out now from AlienBuddha Press. Check 'em both out on Amazon. I'm pleased to announce that another of my hypnopompic diary poems is now posted in the new issue of First Literary Review - East. This one is a direct translation of a dream I experienced. My thanks to the editors, Cindy Hochman and Karen Neuberg.
Three more of my hypnopompic diary poems from book 3, "Apophenic Epiphanies" are now live at the Anvil Tongue Books blog. Be sure to check around the site for more great writing by Giorgia Pavlidou, Adam Francis Cornford, John Olson, John Guzlowski, Heath Brougher, Heller Levinson, and Will Alexander, among others.

The online literary journal Reap Thrill has just published a very kind review of my new Alien Buddha book, Hypnopompic Diaries. I hope you'll head over and check it out as Reap Thrill deserves the traffic, and then maybe head over to Amazon and pick up a copy of the book. 🙂

If you'd like to hear some of the poems in my new book Hypnopompic Diaries, out now on Alien Buddha Press and available at Amazon, before spending your hard-earned cash on it, here's a reading I did of Book One (a.k.a. "Pandemic Summer") 3 years ago yesterday (February 21, 2021).

I'm excited to announce that my first full-length poetry book in 18 years is now available from Alien Buddha Press. It's called *Hypnopompic Diaries (Books One and Two)* and you can find it at the link below. Much gratitude to Red at Alien Buddha. If anyone is interested in writing a review of the book (whether a brief one on Amazon or a more formal one in a literary journal of your choosing) that would be a huge help.

Hey folks: you're invited to check out a sneak preview of my big announcement in Alien BuddhaTube #15. It includes video of me reading a few of my hypnopompic diary poems and talking about the process of writing them. Follow the link over to YouTube if you're curious!

Excited to announce that another of my hypnopompic diary entries from Brain Soliloquies is now live in the current issue of SurVision Magazine. My thanks to the editors Tony Kitt and Anatoly Kudryavitsky! Also worth checking out the work of the other writers in the issue such as Charles Borkhuis and Mark Young, among others.

New edition of First Literary Review - East just dropped today and it's chock full of short poems by me (a hypnopompic diary entry from *Brain Soliloquies*), Sheila Murphy, Heath Brougher and Scott Norman Rosenthal, among many others. Thanks to the editors Cindy Sostchen-Hochman and Karen Neuberg!

Three of my hypnopompic diary poems are now live at Reap Thrill. My thanks to the editor, Jannat Alam. I discovered Reap Thrill when it published two excellent poems by Lewis LaCook, which I would recommend checking out as well.
Breathnexus, my longish poem written in the early days of the pandemic shutdown, now has an online home at Unlikely Stories Mark V. My thanks to editor Jonathan Penton.

"defenestrated from my sleep window"

is my first line of poetry in 2024. If you write poetry and you're willing to, please share your first line of poetry for 2024 in the comments. I'd love to read them.

I'm super excited to announce the publication by Black Scat Books of TYPO #4: The International Journal of Prototypes, which includes four pieces of mine: one imaginary translation of Baudelaire, one erasure, and two photographs. Thank you to the editor, Norman Conquest. Above is the Amazon link.

[Trying again--hopefully this link won't break]

My local alternative/indie weekly newspaper North Coast Journal published that poem I wrote last Sunday in this week's issue. If you're in Humboldt County this week you can find the NCJ at coffee shops, organic food stores and other cool hangouts. Otherwise it's online at the link above.

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