Cyanide millipede. Wanna guess how it defends itself from predators?

If the Cocteau Twins ever get back together I got their sleeve art covered.

Alien Buddha Zine #61 (April 2024) is now out and contains a 7-page excerpt from Hypnopompic Diaries, my full-length book which is also out now from AlienBuddha Press. Check 'em both out on Amazon.

I'm excited to announce that my first full-length poetry book in 18 years is now available from Alien Buddha Press. It's called *Hypnopompic Diaries (Books One and Two)* and you can find it at the link below. Much gratitude to Red at Alien Buddha. If anyone is interested in writing a review of the book (whether a brief one on Amazon or a more formal one in a literary journal of your choosing) that would be a huge help.

Bill O'Reilly: Florida should ban books

Florida: (bans Bill O'Reilly's books)

Bill O'Reilly: No, not like that

I'm super excited to announce the publication by Black Scat Books of TYPO #4: The International Journal of Prototypes, which includes four pieces of mine: one imaginary translation of Baudelaire, one erasure, and two photographs. Thank you to the editor, Norman Conquest. Above is the Amazon link.

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