My Top 5 Songs of the Week (2024 Week 15):
1. Wunderhorse – "Midas". A two minute twenty second, four-chord blast of Brit indie rock that reminded me of Elvis Costello's "On The Beat" with lyrics I think he got by taking a time machine to 1965 and stealing directly from Bob Dylan's typewriter.
2. Paul Cauthen – "Hot Damn". A greasy groove that had me checking the credits for Black Keys involvement (couldn't find any). Ridiculous lyrics, sung with just the right amount of tongue in cheek. I especially like that he couldn't decide whether he's a Cadillac guy or a Trans Am guy, so he just drives both.
3. Mark Knopfler – "Two Pairs of Hands". If you're around my age, you can't hear that gravelly voice and iconic guitar tone and not think "Dire Straits", even though that band hasn't existed for about 30 years. A perfectly crafted song that—dare I say it?—kinda choogles.
4. MRCY – "R.L.M." A shot of '70s-style soul updated with a trip-hop beat and some subtle digital effects. "Sunshine spills out the stereo".
5. Gimmy – "Bathrooms". Aussie new wave art-punk with faux-European accented vocals taking on taboos like "would you touch my baguette?"

@SteveCarll67 I agree w the thumbnail, Waxahatchee, so I’ll check this out. Thanks!

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