@Bbk420 Happy Birthday! Me too 😊
@sanau Looks like you may be right. I went to bed with Warnock behind but woke up to him leading. Here’s hoping he wins 50.1 percent outright so we don’t have to go to a runoff 🤞
Y'all, I just got really great work news, and it's my birthday week, and I'm both super happy and super nervous all at the same time. Abrams and Warnock are up now with 30% counted. Really hope that just stays that way. My heart almost skips a beat thinking of the alternative to Warnock especially.
I'm Tw born
but CoSo raised
that's why
this place
receives my praise
Jester's trail
he did blaze
to build
a site
that does amaze
Enjoy the peace
savor the balm
no ads
no bots
to break the calm
we form it here
each one
of us
so very dear
Leave aside
your doubt and hate
our home
now yours
you can curate
😊 💛
@Minholkin Thank you 💖
CounterSocial is not a company. There aren't teams of support staff. There isn't a cadre of backend engineers. There is ONE MAN, and his inspired vision to create a safe and secure community of real people online.
Making it better is going to require the support and dedication of the community it serves. If you haven't already, please consider going Pro.
Can't go Pro? We've got you covered. Your contributions are valued in whatever form they take. #CoSoTips
Almost choked to death on a pickle just now.
You can say it was kind of a big dill.
(Note: I did not actually choke)
My rational brain says it is perfectly fine to put the pizza directly on the oven rack, but a tiny fearful voice always pipes up to say the PIZZA WILL FALL THROUGH!!
Every time.
I have to say, I'm reeeeally beginning to like it here so much that I decided to go Pro today, most of all to say thanks to all the helpers and @th3j35t3r for his hard work keeping this a stable and safe place for a difficult transition of so many fleeing the crazy bird hellscape... and then finding so many cool people and features here, not to speak of not being governed by algorithms and ads, what a breath of fresh air!
Remember, the standard for hanging in there needn't be very high--
Just showing up for life one hour, one minute to the next is a win when you're feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, or at your wit's end.
Keep breathing. Let that breath slow down, a little deeper on the inhale, longer on the exhale.
You can do this.
Look at that face, makes my heart melt 💖💖💖
She’s contemplating whether to jump up or curl up under the foot rest, and eventually decided her cave when she didn’t get any post-dinner treats
@TrueBloodNet Thank you sooooooooo very much 💖
My heart is breaking. My 28-yo has a rare disease, which includes mold/chemical sensitivities. Makes it hard to find a safe space to live.
Their landlord is kicking them out of the one safe space they've lived in b/c he needs it post-divorce.
Found new apt & were prepping it to move in but just discovered huge mold issues & they are sick now & must cancel the lease.
If you know of an apt in NJ/NY $1800 or less, 1 hr from Chestnut Ridge NY & NOT recently painted, please LMK. #NJ #NY
@TrueBloodNet The guy I was talking to said the vines further up might root deeper into the tree
#Tree #Landscaping Help Requested
Hi folks, I’ve got these amazing trees in my yard and they’re unfortunately taken over by English Ivy. Any ideas on how I could save my trees? I’ve heard if I cut all away the ivy around the bottoms it could make it worse or could solve my problem so I don’t know what to do. Any advice welcomed!
📢 📢 📢
Everybody, please listen up!
One of our longtime beloved members, @VelvetDuchess needs our help.
A donation page has been set up, to help her get through the holidays:
If you can donate, that is great, if not, if you can please boost this that would be very appreciated and still very helpful!
This is the #CoSoWay
We help people in our community.♥️
I'm true to myself / my core values & am focused on family--bio & chosen, safeguarding our broader community, spreading loving kindness, & cybersec consulting