#Tree #Landscaping Help Requested
Hi folks, I’ve got these amazing trees in my yard and they’re unfortunately taken over by English Ivy. Any ideas on how I could save my trees? I’ve heard if I cut all away the ivy around the bottoms it could make it worse or could solve my problem so I don’t know what to do. Any advice welcomed!
@StarlightEmber Can you explain why it would make it worse???
I would cut it at the base, dig up the ivy as far back as possible, then when I got far enough away from the tree I'd poison the ivy with this: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00QY6WL2O/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title
@TrueBloodNet The guy I was talking to said the vines further up might root deeper into the tree
@StarlightEmber This university web site cuts the vines higher up (face level) then carefully pry the ivy off the bottom few feet and clear it back away from the tree. I would cut it at the tree bottom pull it back 2-3 feet from the tree and then poison the end going into the ground, away from the tree by carefully painting with Triclopyr (the vine killer I linked). DO NOT SPRAY IT. Put it on the cut WITHIN A MINUTE of making each cut. Don't drip it on the ground.
@TrueBloodNet Thank you sooooooooo very much 💖
@StarlightEmber NP I feel your pain. Please let me know how it goes!