@Smersh Do I write romance and edit romance? Yes.
Are the seven deadly sins popular topics for erotica and romance series? Yes.
What was the question again?
@Smersh They both come relatively quickly...
@Smersh Let's see. Dopey, Sleepy, Lust, Gluttony, ...um...Happy, Doc, Vanity, Posting Without a Content Warning, Grumpy, Envy...Sea Lioning, Sloth, and
Rage Toots. Did I get them all?
@elbutterfield @Smersh. Not to forget the bashful, greedy smurf who spread his sneezy wrath with much pride.
Only because I love Dante's Inferno. I don't know if I can name all dwarves 🤔
@Smersh my dyslexia read this as seven deadly dwarfs. Lmao