@BreakingNews Oh yay more quackery
@Cachobweeney @CriticalCupcake
Yup. And also always run their names through your local court websites because if they tell you they’re divorced they’re usually lying.
@CriticalCupcake Mostly no. They set the age of the demographic they want to target.
@grrlscientist Someone on YouTube found some footage of his daughter’s purity ceremony or whatever those creepy charismatics do and it was the sickest thing I’d ever seen. He is a sex pervert who also exploits young girls. There’s truly no difference between him and Matt Gaetz.
@BillyBones Lots a soul sellin’.
@gshevlin Forests are the best way. What Elon’s requesting here is essentially impossible.
Oh, no, it looks like the girls are fighting. #politics
@JV3MJD Well he’s in for a rude awakening.
Happy birthday, #CoSo. It’ll be 7 years for me, too. And after pretty much closing up all my other accounts, I definitely feel the safest here. 💜🎉
Wow that’s some copium.
@nonayadambidnes He’s a great biblical scholar.
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I really love how he takes this stupid kid apart. It’s great.
The takeaway: TESLA = Death
Here’s a news article about it.
@mcfate Maybe that’s another reason why he picked him.
@mcfate Yeah, real men don’t bathe apparently. His office is gonna reek. 🤮
Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
– The Cheshire Cat