Is it working?
Here's a book for white people who want to be allies and especially for those who declare themselves allies.
I highly recommend it.
No hashtag because I don't have time.
Ah fuck.
That sounds great except for the fact that you are asking Black people to do the work that white people are perfectly capable of doing themselves.
Nah I have a solid ground here where my feet are firmly planted.
And I will defend it.
Over racism?
Never been cool.
Don't care.
I don't give a single fuck if I'm a modicum of cool.
A safe place doesn't mean a completely comfortable place.
It's not bed on Sunday Morning with coffee.
This is and should be a safe place for everyone to be themselves and speak without censure.
If a person complains about their day in these racist United States don't holler to hashtag politics.
It's life.
There's no bad cereal grains.
In the past 36 hours on this site you have seen two Black women express why they don't really feel safe here, a white person explaining to other white people why that is, and then that white person attacked by white people, mainly dudes, who either want everything to be beautiful or to just shut up and bake.
Banana bread!
In August!
I will never shut up.
I really love shredded wheat, though.
What you fail to understand about me is that I don't care about how many followers I have and that is exactly why I chose this place, but I do care whether or not others feel welcome.
Y'all jump in here with no worries.
I generally have no worries. Plenty of white queer people here.
But when you respond to a white "woman" calling out how unwelcoming this place is for the Black community with crap?
That's why they're not here.
It's not hard to understand.
@jordicusmaximus jump into my replies for the past 24 hours.
@CoyoteConscious @Nimthiriel @AskTheDevil
Jesus whipped the bankers.
People don't understand Jesus.
I'm a Foot Loop!
Because I am supporting a Black woman who felt like she needed to take a break from here.
I love Froot Loops.
Ugly bag of mostly water.
Nonbinary/Genderfluid She/They
Sunday Morning #CoSoMusic + One Good Thing Wednesday