The problem I've seen here is that this place is overwhelmed with Nice White People who will #NotAll in the split second after anyone posts about racism.
It's overwhelmingly GenX white and Boomer white, and those two groups are the biggest knee jerkers in the US.
It's absolutely not safe here for Black members to discuss anything specific to their experience.
And that's not politics. It's life. Life in the US is overwhelmingly racist.
Your actual job as a white man is to call out that shit every time you see it because your voice carries more weight than anyone else's.
That's what you're supposed to do.
The most important realization you can have as a white American is to understand that you carry racial bias. You might not like it, but it's the result of decades of your life of being exposed to the indoctrination that is a core value of this nation.
It's uncomfortable. That's good. It should be.
But not one single white person in this country doesn't have it
So rather than telling Black members to talk about what they want- genuinely support that while taking stock
The generic basis of this problem is group assumptions. Assumptions about blacks, assumptions about whites, assumptions about responses, assumptions about generations.
All that makes it awfully hard to be seen as a worthy, loving, valuable, important human being. No matter who you are: your skin tone, ethnic/racial identity, gender, etc.
And it deprives each and every one of us from a greater expression of connection & loving ALL our human family.
@ATXJane I'm with you, there are a lot of assumptions being made..
Frankly I don't give a fuck what colour anybody is, either here or in in real life. It's not privilege either, it's literally seeing people for what they post & how they act rather than what their profile pic is. I've spent the best part of 6 years welcoming people here, regardless of colour, gender, age or anything else (well ok, except Trumpsters & trolls of course) 👍
@BillyBones @Shelter @kenc313 @SalK @stueytheround
We’re all the same color at the soul level. At earth level I’m afraid we’ve not yet learned how to go from group level assumptions to seeing each other as individuals. And many people, if you can get to know them a little, are usually individuals who are genuinely trying to figure out a good approach to solving & healing horrible atrocities. We are so tiny in the face of trying to acknowledge massive wrong & participate in healing.
@Shelter I wonder if that is where non-Americans like me can have an impact?
Yes I fall into the GenX white group and I'm painfully aware of how true it is what you're saying.
@kenc313 @SalK