This adventure I've been having with the pharmacy & insurance co. is part of what living with #depression looks like.
#depression is a whole-body disease. It isn't just mood, tho' mood is usually affected too. For me the mood issue is a combo platter of either crippling, weepy lability or absolutely deadened, endless gray apathy. It's like living in a fog, going through the motions, not really giving a shit about anything because you literally *can't*.
#depression hits your whole body though. & it's different for everybody. Some people have a lot of physical pain with it, others don't. Some gain a lot of weight, others lose. Some have anxiety along with it, others don't. Some have fatigue, others have insomnia, still others have both. (I have both, WHEEEEE SO FUCKING FUN.)
It's utterly crucial that people not be forced to stop meds or switch meds.