@AmserJ Major hugs. When stuff in life goes south, it usually happens quickly and in batches. My condolences and best wishes.
@Agatha @WeatherSources Wise policy.
@WeatherSources Thanks. Not crazy about the track. Helene has the potential to ramp up quickly. We'll be watching in central FL.
@Bliss When you're besties with the one who floats your boat ... that's the sweet spot of life.
@duglop I'm going to go with a Stanley Kubrick sci fi movie. There's a lot of creep factor in that hallway, and I can hear the pulsating tone.
I'm a few hours early, but...this is it. Enjoy!
@GreenLady08 True story - Jim was flying to a gig at my university when his plane crashed. I was devastated.
I'm a few hours early. Sue me.
@cjtownsend I hear you,, my friend.
I'm no prude. Getcha freak on, and your kink is your kink.
But this guy Robinson. Hey, his kink is his kink. I don't judge. But I do judge that he's *not fit to judge others* for their kinks, life situation, race, sexual orientation, pets owned, and # of trips to outer space.
Robinson is not fit to be mayor of Fantasy Island.
@Bix Yikes.
I'm no prude. Getcha freak on, and your kink is your kink.
But this guy. Hey, his kink is his kink. I don't judge. But I do judge that he's *not fit to judge others* for their kinks, life situation, race, sexual orientation, pets owned, and # of trips to outer space.
Robinson is not fit to be mayor of Fantasy Island.
@Warpspeed2 🤗 🤗 🤗
@disk4mat Facts.
@matuzalem TFG, apparently.
@th3j35t3r I've spent a lot of time on shooting ranges. There are metric shit ton of really bad shooters out there who have no business with a gun in their hands, even in a controlled environment.
USN SubVet who rode boats when they had fairwater planes. ⛳ enthusiast. Varsity-level liberal politics. Philly sports fan. Twitter refugee. #Floridaman