Thanks to a conversation with @amarand and @JLong i have updated my updated resume and tailored it to 3 specific job types. I have sent out a grip of applications with it so fingers crossed I got it right this time.

@amarand @JLong also had another resume review and I'm trying my best to make these edits. I can't think of any accomplishments and I don't know how to change the language to be more of an accomplisher than a doer.

I am a doer. I accomplish ninja shit by doing ninja shit.


@dr_zooks You just wrote it.

"I am a doer. I accomplish ninja shit by doing ninja shit."

What else needs to be said, other than the HR director saying, "You're hired!"

I've been hired for some very awesome jobs with less of an intro. Good luck!

@SSNBubblehead ah, okay, I think I'm starting to get it. Thanks to everybody here who helped out, along with all the resume reviews I've gotten, this thing should be pretty tight once I'm finished.

And thank you!

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