@NoahPaulLeGies In my area the commercials should end August 1st.
@Redskye572 So much this. Someone is getting rich off Medicare and it's not the workers.
@danialexis she'll fit right in with the D running in Tennessee 7.
@anita_rotheram And claim presidential immunity.
Kiss Her Once for Me by Alison Cochran
Looking for a Sign by Susie Diamond
Fly with Me by Andie Burke (family drama but not because she is lesbian)
Don't Want You Like a Best Friend by Emma R Alban (Historical)
Can't Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Throne
@mkagle Slut shame right back. The Slut of TFG.
@Pippy Up until Gore Tennessee would flip every 20 ish years. And we're due for a toss the bums out vote.
@Pippy I hope the primary Aug 1st with get the right one to help flip a Senate seat blue.
@Koore That doesn't make sense. They're not going to wait until DNC.
@BreakingNews I would have gone after them for Copy Right Violation.
@Kaysymmetry Sex sent me to the ER covered what happens if you don't.
@Cosmichomicide Welp that's embarrassing given the athlete in question was moved front left...
@Siren_six He's petty enough, it's shit to do after accepting the nomination.
@Pippy Tennessee has a possible House flip in Tennessee 7. https://www.meganbarryforcongress.com/
@CanisVeritum It's perfect timing. It's after the RNC and before Olympics.
@feloneouscat He can move.
@Havoc391 He lived. Job was done. Also say he was hit by glass.
Weird Navy Brat
Time to elect more Democrats Tennessee