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We move in circles
Balanced all the while
On a gleaming razor's edge
A perfect sphere
Colliding with our fate
This story ends where it began

If you aren't willing to stand up against a clear-cut genocide, what morals do you really have?

Here's the one thing capitalists don't want you to realize about politics.

Almost every issue and complaint from both sides of the political spectrum would be solved by eating the rich.

This isn't left vs. right, it's top vs. bottom.

My modernized (2022) take on Carl Sagan's famous "star-stuff" quote.

Sources in comments.

MTG is so blindly racist, that she fucked up the one thing her comms team set her up for. Laken Riley was an American citizen killed by an illegal immigrant.

MTG is a garbage human.

Remember when the RWNJs were so quick to label this white man an Islamic extremist?

Yeah, turns out he was an incel.

I don't know why the anti-woke crowd is so against the very first episode they say they're okay with cousin-fucking.

Fun fact: if you hit the point of being triaged for critical care in Ontario under Doug Ford's healthcare cuts, Random(dot)org might be what chooses if you live or die.

CyKoore boosted

@PussyFootingAround I'm not sure about the false advertising laws surrounding it, but I can show you how cheap the suspension is on a Cybertruck. Likely they couldn't handle the weight.

Two pics are Tesla Cybertrucks, one is a Ford Lightning. Can you guess which is which?

Holy shit, the Cybertruck battery pack is half-empty.

They stripped out battery capacity to save cost, then offered an extended pack that takes up a huge chunk of the truck bed.

As expected, since tens of thousands of fake eclipse glasses were sold.

As expected, since tens of thousands of pairs of fake eclipse glasses. Keep an eye on trends.

38.5C above average.

"They recorded the largest jump in temperature ever measured at a meteorological centre on Earth. According to their instruments, the region that day experienced a rise of 38.5C above its seasonal average: a world record."

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