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@Redskye572 Nothing will change the fact that 12 people found 45 guilty on 34 felony charges.

@Pennyformythoughts Used single stall mens room last week because someone was in the womens side.

@Coctaanatis Documentation is everything in a situation like that. I would put in a camera to document the car... Stalking is a thing. Start knock on their window offering coffee...etc.

MSNBC it is not lashing out it's having a tantrum.

@wolfwoman Summer intern season and they're most likely drunk.

@corlin When/if a juror(s) decide to write the book I hope the go with by juror number.

@ecksmc As long as the supporters are martyrdoming their own money they can do whatever they want.

@SupplySgt Lawyer should have been asked to be paid up front because he is 100% taking the blame.

@PatrickKay No surprise other peoples money to pay more lawyers.

@Lulz4l1f3 um...He needs big boy jail. 34 felony counts.

@Victor man should become a pirate and sell ship for scrap.

@DevinY1 @SSNBubblehead One might have a simple doctors appt or other necessities.

@MgBarbatos Not 32 pages of questions so an interviewer can so you match so well with the team.

@Tacitus_Kilgore No, it is reasonable given the amount of testimony and the high profile case.

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