So there's a new right-wing conspiracy theory spreading, declaring that while Maui was destroyed Obama's Hawaiian home wasn't touched! Which, they declare, PROVES the fires are a Democrat plot!
Obama's Hawaiian home wasn't affected by the Maui fires because it's on a different island. π€ππ
@singlemaltgirl Or geography or physical reality.
@RationalLeft ThaT dOEsn'T MaTTeR iT's thE LIb's FaULt!!π
@coolserenity Isn't everything?
@RationalLeft How about this one: Dislikes intellectuals, calls them dweebs. Anti Vax yet uses Flomax. Ummm and who do you suppose did the research and development of that? The same companies that made the vaccines via educated scientists or an eighth-grade science fair?
@MidnightRider It's right up there with the "Keep your government hands off my Medicare" signs.
@RationalLeft It's so blatantly hypocritical and such a great foundation for joke writing I'd start to work it except doing it at any open mike would be dangerous to my health.
@RationalLeft Science!
@RationalLeft They are up to their eyeballs in kool aid.
@Redskye572 In point of fact, Jonestown was actually stocked with Flavor-Aid (grape, as it happens).
I bet the Kool-Aid company has long wished that more people knew that.
@Redskye572 Though undeniably, "drinking the Flavor-Aid" just wouldn't have the same ring to it.
@RationalLeft That hundred or so miles of water and island between them doesn't mean shit to the right. π€£
@RationalLeft never let facts or logic get in the way of a good conspiracy theory! π