Good afternoon CoSo!!
Hope everyone is well. Wet coast is wet and cold. Sitting at a Starbucks people watching!!!
So November 11th is around the corner...We are supposed say LEST WE FORGET...So many 'muricans forgot!!!
@thecaricaturist I think most of NHL games have moved to Prime, at least in Canada.
@raspberrypanda Just set your password to INCORRECT...So when you screw up, the computer tells you...Your password is INCORRECT!!!
“Steve Madden, a $3 billion shoe company, announced Thursday that it would rapidly halve its Chinese production to avoid Trump’s tariffs…
But here’s the catch: Steve Madden isn’t moving its production to the United States. It said it will be sourcing its goods from Cambodia, Vietnam, Mexico, Brazil and some other countries.” - CNN
Like no one saw that coming. In retribution China starts buying their soy, etc from South America like they did during the Dictators first term. And so on.. 🙄
@jasontrebilcock because they learned from history and USofA stopped teaching that part!!!
@DianeH He is still going to go ahead with the plans...Unless the Dems grow pair to use the immunity ruling by SCOTUS to make changes that EMPEROR TRUMP cannot undo!!!
@CanisVeritum ten of the richest billionaires already made 64 billion since election day!!! So they are already getting richer without the tax cuts coming their way!!!
Read it here
@darcrich Dems are too nice to do that...And that is why they did not win!!!
Another thing, use the SCOTUS ruling about immunity to their advantage...But again not holding my breath for the Dems to do that!!!
@Intolerantcentrist Yep, two way street!!!
@disk4mat @Minholkin Yes truw for Alberta with Smith in-charge and destroying everything. NDP had passed a legislation to build 100000 windmills in southern Alberta. Small percentage did get built as I worked on them. But when the cons took over, all got cancelled!!!
@disk4mat @Minholkin Well considering that Canada is willing to election a mini-Trump wannabe as he is leading all polls. So the Trump idiocy has already crossed over into Canada.
@Soldier_Solitude End of USofA, EU, NATO, Ukraine and Palestine!!!
@sirgeefive Here is government info link that can explain more
@sirgeefive The whole process starts with a company getting a LMIA(Labour Market Impact Assessment), once that is done, then the company can get you the visa required. Now I can tell you that the need for Programmers is most predominant in larger cities and Saskatchewan as a province is smaller than larger cities. The population of the entire province is about million!!!
Getting LMIA is long drawn out process.
#Antifa #ClimateChangeIsReal #BLM #atheist #vaxxed_boosted #WOKE Former Cons!!!
Only one race on Earth...The Human Race!!!