@elbutterfield Yep. Took a pizza delivery up three flights of stairs, they opened the door I got a contact high, and they handed me a dollar. A DOLLAR. And the thing that sucked most was that it was only 1.5 miles from the store, so I only got 90 cents more from milage! I hate people in Gainesville. I hate them.
There is NO PLACE ON THIS PLANET that you order 30 dollars in food to be delivered to your third floor apartment without an elevator - that you only tip your delivery person ONE FUCKING DOLLAR. NO WHERE - this massive affront to humanity is a one way ticket to "You should be so fucking grateful I am not a serial killer because I know your goddamned address now and you would be first on my list bitch".
@MookyTroubadour hehehehe
@MrGoat I have tried. Honest to god I have tried. They like me too much... or they are sadists enjoying my pain.
@MrGoat I work for a "corporate" pizza joint. it's first in first out unfortunately, but we warn each other about the shit tippers and take our time getting to them if they end up on our queues
There is NO PLACE ON THIS PLANET that you order 30 dollars in food to be delivered to your third floor apartment without an elevator - that you only tip your delivery person ONE FUCKING DOLLAR. NO WHERE - this massive affront to humanity is a one way ticket to "You should be so fucking grateful I am not a serial killer because I know your goddamned address now and you would be first on my list bitch".
@th3j35t3r There is no better word conjunction/hyphenated word than "shit-partidge" But, my dear Jester, are you missing the second "R" in that second part of the compound word?
@CindersPDX You need to find out what folder your downloads go into. If you are using MS Edge (the web surfing software that comes standard with MS) - click on the three little dots on the upper right of the app, and then go down to DOWNLOADS and click on that. It should open up your download folder. And your downloads should be in there!
Author. Swearer. Photographer. AI Artist, Lover of wind chimes, vampires, murder mystery, Ruffles, Diet Dr Pepper, LokiTheCat (tm) Don't steal my pics!