
So what do you do if you get unsolicited pics like that? 🍆🐈🍈🍈

Looks like the block system is the most reliable choice for all! A fair choice too, thank y'all, hope the laughs tonight brifhrened some days and turned some frowns upside down. 🥰

@corlin Oh I'm block and report of course but if I catch em creeping in my dm, I'm not shy from tearing them apart for plastering their nethers online. Most of em lack the self confidence to tolerate more than a few minutes of critique before receiving the full scope of my wrath.

@PaganMother I have never gotten one, but I think I would publicly humiliate the sender. 😂

I bartended for 3 years when I was young so I think I learned to give off “don’t bother trying” vibes maybe?

@AverageCitizen Now I don't mind flirting In play, I poke up Mr. Goat quite often. XD But I would never post pics of that kind online anywhere really. I don't know if I come off as the don't bother trying sort of vibe or not but physical space wise, folks don't even look twice.

@PaganMother I've only gotten one, and it was on a dating app. I blocked.

@PaganMother We've had a lot over the years with music. The worst are from label owners who couldn't take 5 minutes to listen to a song but would spend 10 minutes sending :tinydick: pics. The last guy who tried that I blasted them all over pictures of him and his friends/family. His wife actually got in touch and they're divorced now.

@lilyunsub Yeah I've heard some nightmare stories about the music industry being riddled with predators like that. I'm sorry you went through that.

@PaganMother it really is. Its the whole reason we started PHDM and built our own thing so we didnt have to deal with any of them.

@lilyunsub A brave and very wise choice to make. I hope the label thrives.

@PaganMother label just turned 5 this year, even the radiostation turned 3, 100% the best thing we ever did ❤️ now we primarily only get people asking to be on the label rather than 🍆 msgs

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