At the moment, I'm feeling helpless, scared and uncertain of what happened to the safety and security I once felt in my own home nation. 2/2
@MississippiGoneCoastal I may convince my husband to consider that option, but I fear Mexico is just as bad.
@PaganMother No place is better than home. Hopefully whatever thing we are going thru is ending and better things are on the way.
@PaganMother Hear ‘ya. MI better off than other places w/ Dems in control there though.
@jaunty That's true, I worry for the folk across the nation though. There's so many out there suffering and scared too.
@PaganMother Me too. Do you get Erin’s newsletter?
@jaunty No, but I'm signing up to receive them now.
@PaganMother 💔 I wish I could offer more than my good wishes.
@stueytheround Just expressing it helps honestly. Knowing I'm not alone in this is a huge relief Stuey, thank you.
@PaganMother @stueytheround I feel your pain and send my best wishes. If out of the country isn't an option Massachusetts has several protections in place and is and always been a democratic state. Let me know if you need anything!
@PaganMother If they put tangerine king back in we are going to try to get temporary residency in Mexico.