The last couple days have been brutal. Finally got a small sense of relief from the back issues and immediately my brain launches back into the crippling emotional stuff of processing whats happened to us the last 6 months, let alone the last 2 years. The universe has been brutal and I don't really know how to keep pushing through it. Shit is hard.
@lilyunsub *big hugs* I had wondered if you were okay. Life's been especially tough the last few months for us as well.
@lilyunsub Same for you my friend, I hope things look up soon, ride tough Lily and co. You got this even if your slipping a bit, you'll catch and pull up. I'll be here to cheer you on the whole way as long as you'll let me.
@PaganMother thank you btw, really really means a lot to me (to all of us) ❤️
@lilyunsub <3 Just focus on the things that benefit you and the collective best, okay? Breathing, making sure you are hydrated and well fed, resting, it does get better, it's only a bad day, not a bad life.
@PaganMother 😭 ❤️ often the way we've dealt with things is to turn it into something creative, make beauty out of bullshit, pictures out of scars, but being unable to create, to do anything, has been hard. And when that falls away, there is just this deeply intense rage and a lot of pain. The idea that I can't at least turn that energy into something useful or beautiful means its just burning me from the inside out. I don't know how to turn it around. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️