Good morning from Philadelphia where it will be 97 degrees today. I think I’ll do laundry.

@PhillyBella Will you crawl in the washer to take a spin to cool you down😜 ???????

@PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand We wash almost everything in cold water. It saves electricity.

@PhillyBella @Oma_Trisha I live by the mantra 'clothes aren't clean unless they're boiling in hot water.'😱

@ReneeVoiceBrand @PhillyBella

Clothes washed in cold water last longer. Heat helps break down the fibers. It's environmentally more responsible to wash clothes in cold water. There's really no difference. It's not about the temperature of the water anyway. Science behind how washing machine works is actually fascinating. The water breaks down the dirt so the surfactants and enzymes in laundry soap can remove it from the fibers. The temperature of the water rarely matters.

@Oma_Trisha @ReneeVoiceBrand @PhillyBella

I had a friend who teried to clean her rug just using water.πŸ˜‚

She was very cautious because she had a crawling baby and a doggo.

It's the soap/detergent which breaks down the dirt. Water is what spreads it around. Temp doesn't matter.πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

She was making mud.πŸ™„

@PhillyBella @Oma_Trisha @ReneeVoiceBrand

This was a University educated teacher by profession. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

She didn't understand soap and water.πŸ˜‚


@Krysdammit @PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand

My son-in-law's mother is a teacher with a master's degree. SIL had meningitis at the age of 3 and was left severely hearing impaired. His mother refused to send him to the school for the deaf less than an hour away because she believed it would be better for him to be mainstreamed. He never learned sign language. She also refused to acknowledge his seizures as a youth. "He just has fainting spells." Book knowledge isn't wisdom.

@Oma_Trisha @PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand
I've tried to instill in my kids that being intelligent and being smart is NOT the same thing. We need to be both.

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