Good morning from Philadelphia where it will be 97 degrees today. I think I’ll do laundry.

@PhillyBella Will you crawl in the washer to take a spin to cool you down😜 ???????

@PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand We wash almost everything in cold water. It saves electricity.

@PhillyBella @Oma_Trisha I live by the mantra 'clothes aren't clean unless they're boiling in hot water.'😱

@ReneeVoiceBrand @PhillyBella

Clothes washed in cold water last longer. Heat helps break down the fibers. It's environmentally more responsible to wash clothes in cold water. There's really no difference. It's not about the temperature of the water anyway. Science behind how washing machine works is actually fascinating. The water breaks down the dirt so the surfactants and enzymes in laundry soap can remove it from the fibers. The temperature of the water rarely matters.

@Oma_Trisha @PhillyBella Whoah! Did not know! Mind set adjustment! I will now use cold water! I LOVE our peeps on CoSo😍

@ReneeVoiceBrand @PhillyBella

2/ The only time hot water is really beneficial is when you have something that's full of odor or stains, in which case warmer water helps the dirt/odor molecules move faster, which results in them being removed from the fibers of the fabric more rapidly. Unfortunately, heat can also set certain stains -- blood, for instance. It can also shrink certain items made from specific types of fiber.

@Oma_Trisha @ReneeVoiceBrand @PhillyBella

Blood stains can be removed using Peroxide before washing. Always check in an inconspicuous spot for colour fastness, as in a seam allowance.πŸ˜‰

@Krysdammit @ReneeVoiceBrand @PhillyBella

I learned that in nursing school. If only it were so easy to get coffee ground/undigested food vomit, overflow from an NG tube, or the yak from a tracheostomy suctioning out of our scrubs. 🀒🀒

@RuthEd @Krysdammit @ReneeVoiceBrand @PhillyBella
It comes in handy when you have a grandchild with a bloody nose, too.

@Oma_Trisha @RuthEd @ReneeVoiceBrand @PhillyBella
No grandkids here, but the cat has claws at the end of those cute toebeans.πŸ™€

@Krysdammit @RuthEd @ReneeVoiceBrand @PhillyBella
Lenny is declawed in the front, but Smudge has some serious murder mittens going on. They can both do a number with their back claws as well. That's why I keep them trimmed.

We also have plants that bite. I think they're called fan palms..... If you brush buy one and aren't careful, it will cut you.

@Oma_Trisha @RuthEd @ReneeVoiceBrand @PhillyBella
I don't know of any native plants which cut where I live.
I've sick skin and have rubbed just a little and created wounds.Showed one in the webbing between two fingers to my baby sis when she visited me yesterday.
It made her very sad.

@RuthEd @Oma_Trisha @ReneeVoiceBrand @PhillyBella
I've never worn scrubs, but I do sew, kni,t & crochet.
Sometimes hishaps happen πŸ˜‚ and the peroxide is needed to keep my work pretty.πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

@ReneeVoiceBrand @RuthEd @Oma_Trisha @PhillyBella
If the piece is ruined by a blood stain, depending on what it is, it's ruined & unusable anyway.πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

@Oma_Trisha @ReneeVoiceBrand @PhillyBella

I had a friend who teried to clean her rug just using water.πŸ˜‚

She was very cautious because she had a crawling baby and a doggo.

It's the soap/detergent which breaks down the dirt. Water is what spreads it around. Temp doesn't matter.πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

She was making mud.πŸ™„

@PhillyBella @Oma_Trisha @ReneeVoiceBrand

This was a University educated teacher by profession. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

She didn't understand soap and water.πŸ˜‚

@Krysdammit @PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand

My son-in-law's mother is a teacher with a master's degree. SIL had meningitis at the age of 3 and was left severely hearing impaired. His mother refused to send him to the school for the deaf less than an hour away because she believed it would be better for him to be mainstreamed. He never learned sign language. She also refused to acknowledge his seizures as a youth. "He just has fainting spells." Book knowledge isn't wisdom.

@Oma_Trisha @PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand
I've tried to instill in my kids that being intelligent and being smart is NOT the same thing. We need to be both.

@ReneeVoiceBrand @Oma_Trisha I remember wringer washers with steam coming out of the clothes.

@ReneeVoiceBrand @Oma_Trisha exactly!!! Was fun to watch as a child but so happy I never had to use one!

@PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand I loved my wringer washer! First of all, you could let the agitator run as long as you want it to. Secondly, rinse water didn't get as dirty because the wringer got most of the dirty water out of the clothes after the wash cycle. Third, drying time was significantly decreased whether you put them in the dryer or hung them on a clothesline. Wringers are exceptionally good at removing water from fabric. I'd use one today if I could find one I could afford.

@PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand
Our wringer was -- What, ceramic?

The handle and part of the frame on mine were made of wood, & there was no paint left on them or the metal due to the constant onslaught of water. The outside of the tub had spots where the paint had flaked off as well. I think it was 50 years old when I got it. I didn't care. The only other machine I ever had that came close to doing as good a job was one of the original front loaders - not the late '90s version (I hated those).

@ReneeVoiceBrand @PhillyBella

I used to really enjoy doing my laundry in that machine and then hanging it outside. Yes, it's a lot of work, but the smell of clothes after they've been hanging in the sunshine is better than any fabric softener you could ever buy. I remember hanging diapers outside because the sun helps bleach the stains out of them as well as acting as a disinfectant.

@Oma_Trisha @PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand
My mother had a washboard that she used in the bathtub. Finally she went to her mother’s and told my Dad she would not be home until
he bought a washer. She had 3 kids in 33 months. That’s an awful lot of diapers to do. Lol. She got the washer.

@RuthEd @PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand
My mom had my oldest brother on the kitchen table in the house they were renting. She did close with a washboard until my dad went in the military. Base housing in those years included washers and dryers.

@RuthEd @Oma_Trisha @PhillyBella My grandmother was from Poland. She told me she and her sisters washed clothes in the river near her home using a washboard. She said America truly was paved with gold because she was able to use a wringer washerπŸ˜€

@Oma_Trisha @ReneeVoiceBrand I prefer top loaders but front loaders seem to be more prevalent today. Agree about the benefits of a wringer washer actually.

@PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand

The seals on the new front loaders are horrid. Even if you dry them with a towel in between washings, eventually they build up so much mildew you have to replace them. I had to do it twice in 4 years with the front loader we owned in Missouri.

@PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand I had a wringer washer, but I never used hot water in the tub unless I was doing diapers.

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