Good morning from Philadelphia where it will be 97 degrees today. I think I’ll do laundry.

@PhillyBella Will you crawl in the washer to take a spin to cool you down😜 ???????

@PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand We wash almost everything in cold water. It saves electricity.

@PhillyBella @Oma_Trisha I live by the mantra 'clothes aren't clean unless they're boiling in hot water.'😱

@ReneeVoiceBrand @Oma_Trisha I remember wringer washers with steam coming out of the clothes.

@ReneeVoiceBrand @Oma_Trisha exactly!!! Was fun to watch as a child but so happy I never had to use one!


@PhillyBella @ReneeVoiceBrand I loved my wringer washer! First of all, you could let the agitator run as long as you want it to. Secondly, rinse water didn't get as dirty because the wringer got most of the dirty water out of the clothes after the wash cycle. Third, drying time was significantly decreased whether you put them in the dryer or hung them on a clothesline. Wringers are exceptionally good at removing water from fabric. I'd use one today if I could find one I could afford.

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